Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is an organic molecule found in almost all living things at least in trace amounts. It is not known why this substance is present in so many different lifeforms and the function of it has yet to be discovered by modern science. What we do know, however, is that is produces profound changes in consciousness when absorbed in high enough doses. There are several variants of DMT. When the general term ‘DMT’ is used, it almost always is in reference to N,N-Dimethyltryptamine rather than 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, 4-PO-DMT (psilocybin), 4-HO-DMT (psilocin), etc. Each of these molecules are different both in structure and in effect. As stated, the term ‘DMT’ is generally indicative of N,N-DMT. There are many tryptamines but there is only one ‘DMT’ so to speak. This substance is unlike any other psychedelic or entheogen in that it is extremely rapid and short in duration yet it is also delivers one of the most powerful experiences a human can have. Lucky for us humans, DMT cannot harm us in any reasonable dose. One would have to try very, very hard to use enough to harm themselves and it is likely that it is impossible altogether. There is no evidence to suggest that the use of DMT is physically or mentally harmful. Dr. Rick Strassman (among others) studied the substance in the early 1990’s and delivered some very strong doses to human patients with no lasting negative effects. 

What does it do and what can I learn here?

It is exceedingly difficult to describe in human language and no summary will do justice. However, an attempt at such a description is worth the effort. DMT can be used by several methods:

Inhaling vaporized (smoking) DMT is the most common and practical method. The DMT must either be extracted from plant matter or synthesized in a lab. The former is by far the most common method of producing pure DMT for use. Upon smoking DMT, the effects are felt almost immediately. The experience lasts anywhere between 5 minutes to 20 minutes with the average being around 10 minutes. A sufficient dose (40mg and up) will produce drastic and powerful effects. With open eyes, the world rapidly changes. Colors shift. Things move. Even familiar places become entirely foreign and nonsensical. The user experiences quickly changing emotions and bursts of ideas and thoughts. This is all fine and dandy but it is barely scratching the surface. The true DMT experience is internal. Upon closing their eyes, the user will note that things take a dramatic turn. This is when the ‘out-of-body’ experience truly begins. Within seconds, the user can become absorbed into the landscape of the hyperspace they are now in. Their human bodies become forgotten, forsaken. Rapidly changing geometrical patterns emerge, crystalline gears, gigantic cosmic machines, subatomic playgrounds, celestial events, otherworldly places, ancient human civilizations, alien motherships, and many more things are within the realm of possibility. The most rattling and profound event that happens to typical DMT users is the meeting of other ‘beings’. A wide range of beings have been reported; from humans to beings so immense that they are barely recognized as beings at all. DMT users often experience feelings of ‘enlightenment’ or ‘spiritual divinity’. All of this from less than a half hour? You bet.

Oral ingestion offers a different experience altogether. It lengthens the experience to 6-8 hours and the effects are entirely different.  This method is the traditional method used by South American tribes for at least hundreds of years. The human gut breaks DMT down preventing it from becoming active in the brain. This is circumvented by using another substance which prevents the gut from breaking the DMT down – an MAOI/RIMA. A DMT rich plant is brewed with another plant containing the MAOI/RIMA and the resulting tea is consumed. There are dozens of plants that can be combined to produce a tea that will deliver the desired results. Alternatively, DMT can be extracted from certain plant matter and then eaten or taken in capsules along with the MAOI/RIMA. It is important to note that traditional plant brews often contain additional alkaloids that contribute to the experience as well. MAOI/RIMA’s also produce effects all their own. So then, traditional plant brews offer an altered experience versus simply eating capsules of pure DMT. Different brews may have slightly different effects but the general experience is the same. Oral use results in a very deep and insightful experience filled with visions and what seems like information being placed directly in the mind. Closed eye visuals resemble that of smoked DMT though they are significantly weaker. That is not to insinuate that oral DMT is less potent than other forms. Quite the contrary. The raw ‘power’ may not be there in oral form but the experience is no less potent. Rather, the experience becomes much more meaningful and ‘spiritual’. Caution should be taken as this is no party drug. It can be very emotionally troubling and can force one to face some inner demons. The user looking to ‘have a good time’ or ‘just get their feet wet’ should stay away from this method. This is for serious inquiry only. Misuse will be its own punishment.
Injecting DMT is very similar to smoked DMT both in duration and in effects. Injection should always be performed by a trained professional. There is really no logical reason to inject it as the smoked experience is almost identical.

Insufflating (snorting/sniffing) DMT is a bit different though not much. This method increase the duration while decreasing the effects. One can expect it to last between 30 and 45 minutes. The effects are reduced but very similar to the effects when smoking/injecting DMT. Typically, DMT is in freebase form when extracted from plant matter. This freebase DMT is optimal for smoking. If it is insufflated in this form, it will burn the nostrils very badly. The pain lasts well in to the experience. DMT fumarate is better suited to the task though it requires larger doses and introduces an additional step, chemically speaking.

Again, words do no justice. Everything you just read is really useless because without the experience there can be no understanding of it. Only through direct experience can one understand. However, for those still interested, this page can help you learn more about DMT. We will briefly discuss how it is made and links to instructions on how to do so. We will discuss which plants contain the highest levels of DMT as well as which plants can be combined to produce DMT containing brews with an MAOI/RIMA present. We will present trip reports and experience logs. We will discuss different rituals and settings useful to the DMT experience. This will include proper set and setting instructions as well as music recommendations, smoking practices, inhalation techniques, body position, proper frame of mind, etc.

The proper use of DMT is a learned skill. Everyone has their own methods and variations but practice is still the best teacher. Almost no one breaks through on their first few attempts. Many walk away from their first few tries upset because they just saw a bunch of geometrical patterns and colors when they thought they were going to be riding a space horse through the event horizon of a black hole. Remember, there is no greater teacher than experience.

Useful Resources:


This page will deal exclusively with the effects and use of vaporized DMT. Oral use will have a page dedicated to it in the near future. Insufflated / injected DMT is so similar to vaporized DMT that any information regarding vaporized DMT should carryover unless otherwise specified.




This is a documentary based off a book written by Dr. Rick Strassman regarding DMT. If you are ignorant on the subject, this documentary is always a great place to start.


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