28 Proven Health Benefits of Nicotine (and 4 potential risks)
When it comes to improving brain function, nicotine is king. There’s quite a few benefits from nicotine that you might not be aware of.

Nicotine, considered a potent nootropic is a naturally occurring liquid alkaloid found in many plants of the nightshade family.
Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and tobacco all contain nicotine, although for humans, tobacco is the only plant containing significant enough quantities to have an effect (R).
Nicotine has recently been under the scope of research examining its beneficial role in ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, and even cognitive performance in the general population.
**This post is not suggesting to take up smoking as a means for nicotine consumption.
The Nicotine That I Use
I tend to use nicotine maybe 5 times a week, and usually not more than once a day. Moderation is key, as well as your individual biology. I do best with this Nicotine Lozenge.
- Longevity4/10
- Inflammation9/10
- Mood9.9/10
- Cognition9.9/10
- Energy8/10
- Amazing for cognitive enhancement
- Is relaxing and stimulating at the same time
- Increases motivation
- Increases wakefulness
- Can be addicting
- May increase tumor growth
- May cause nausea
- May increase risk of H Pylori infection
The Good
Contrary to common opinion, nicotine is not a carcinogenic substance, but it may be a ‘tumor promoter’ for some kinds of tumors (R).
While tobacco is quite addictive (R,R2), animal models indicate that nicotine on its own is much less addictive than tobacco (R).
Levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin all increase with nicotine usage(R).
Nicotine stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and increases the number of red blood cells (R).
Growing new blood vessels can help your health and brain function, but it can also promote tumors, even if it doesn’t cause cancer itself. Therefore, when it comes to cancer, nicotine is somewhat like IGF-1.
1-4) Nicotine Increases Wakefulness, Motivation, Alertness and Creativity
Nicotine puts users into an alpha brain wave state, which is characterized by effortless alertness, attention and creativity (R, R2, R3).
Nicotine also increases wakefulness, mood and motivation via activating orexin.
Nicotine increases activity across both hemispheres of the brain, also known as bilateral neocortical activation (this is a good thing) (R).
Nicotine improves brain activity in users by enhancing activation in areas associated with visual attention, arousal, and motor activation (R).
Nicotine increases activity in the following regions of the brain: parietal cortex, thalamus, caudate, and occipital cortex (R).

5-7) Nicotine Improves Attention, Memory and Fine Motor Skills
Nicotine has been proven to benefit the brain in the following areas:
- Fine Motor Skills
- Alerting attention – accuracy and response time
- Orienting attention – accuracy and response time
- Short-term memory – accuracy
- Long-term memory – accuracy
- Working memory – accuracy and response time (R)
Nicotine helps to consolidate learned information in the brain (R).
It improves immediate and long term memory in human and animal models (R).
Nicotine has been found to improve performance on attention related tasks and is capable of increasing processing speed for complex tasks (R,R2)
Nicotine significantly boosts cognitive performance by activating the occipital and parietal cortices, which are the command centers for sustained attention and visual processing tasks (R,R2)
Nicotine improves multitasking ability by enhancing executive function, through its modulation of multiple brain networks and transmitter systems (R).
Part of mechanism of memory enhancement might be from nicotine increasing vasopressin in people (R).

8) Nicotine Can Help with ADHD
Nicotine can significantly reduce the severity of clinical symptoms in patients with ADHD (R).
Nicotine has been shown to increase vigor, quicken reaction time, increase attentionand accuracy in non-smoking ADHD patients (R).
Nicotine caused a significant decrease in self-reported depression in ADHD (R).
A nicotine patch may be helpful for ADHD patients with anxiety and depression who are going through withdrawal and wanting to stay Tobacco free (R).
9) Nicotine Acts as a Neuroprotective
There are several mechanisms through which nicotine acts as a neuroprotective:

10-11) Nicotine is a Preventative and Treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Research on nicotine and neurodegenerative diseases stemmed from the realization that there is a decreased rate of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases in smokers (R, R2).
Nicotine has potential in treating patients with Alzheimer’s (R).
Nicotine patch have been proven to treat cognitive impairments associated with Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and ADHD (R, R2).
Nicotine in individuals with Parkinson’s may protect against neural damage and improve both cognitive performance and motor abilities (R, R2).
When taking nicotine Parkinson’s patients show increased processing speed of more complex tasks (R).
Animal research models showed nicotine protected against brain damage in dopaminergic pathways typically associated with Parkinson’s (R).
Nicotine, acting on Nicotinic receptors has a beneficial influence on the brain which plays a role in the development of movement and degenerative disorders such as Alzeimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Tourette’s (R, R2, R3, R4).
It is suggested that it is through nicotine’s stimulation of nAChR (nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) it prevents age related, and neurodegenerative mental decline (R, R2, R3).
In patients suffering from Alzheimer’s, nicotine is thought to maximize the use of dwindling nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Nicotine minimizes the effect of this deficit (R, R2).
12) Nicotine is an Anti-inflammatory
Nicotine indirectly through vagal nerve pathways, acts as a suppressor of inflammation (also known as the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (R, R2).
Nicotine lessens cells’ responsiveness to the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α (R).
Nicotine reduces IL-2 (Th1 cytokine) and TNF-α production by human blood cells (R).
Nicotine reduces IL-8 in patients with active ulcerative colitis (R).
Nicotinic receptor activators are being explored for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (R).
Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) decrease nicotinic receptors (α7 nAChRs) in the mouse brain, exacerbating chronic inflammation, beta-amyloid accumulation and episodic memory decline, which mimics the early stages of Alzheimer’s (R).
This is perhaps why people who get get infections (like CIRS people) often suffer from symptoms that resemble low levels of actetylcholine.

13) Nicotine May Reduce Pain
14) Nicotine Helps the Gut
Smoking decreased susceptibility to Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, and otherinflammatory bowel diseases. Clinical evidence suggests that nicotine is responsible for this difference (R, R2)
Nicotine is protective in ulcerative colitis by reducing inflammation in the gut barrier, which is a hallmark of inflammatory bowel disease (R).
The use of Nicotine patches for 4-6 weeks resulted in clinical improvement in Ulcerative colitis (R).
Studies show that nicotine prevents the development of ulcerative colitis in healthy individuals, but relapse prevention is less effective with nicotine treatment (R,R2).
Nicotine enhances the protection of the intestinal mucosa by increasing the thickness of mucus in the colon (R).
A dose of 5 mg nicotine (+ carbomer) in 100ml liquid enema, is a therapeutic additive to conventional therapy in the treatment of ulcerative colitis (R).
Another study showed that Nicotine can slow the transit time from ingesting food to bowel movements (R). But my experience is that it makes me go to the bathroom
Another study mentions that Nicotine delays the emptying of contents in the stomach (R).
An increase in nicotine blood levels is directly related to a decrease of blood flow in the rectum (this can be a good thing) (R).

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