Pornography and its effects

Sexually explicit media use in adults linked to greater depressive symptoms, poorer quality of life, more mental- and physical-health diminished days, and lower health status.

Study shows adolescents exposed to SEWs (sexually explicit websites) were more likely to have multiple lifetime sexual partners , to have had more than one sexual partner in the last 3 months, to have used alcohol or other substances at last sexual encounter ), and to have engaged in anal sex. Adolescents who visit SEWs display higher sexual permissiveness scores compared with those who have never been exposed , indicating a more permissive attitude.

Porn use associated with higher number of one night stands and other sexual high risk behavior

Juvenile sex offenders who watch porn more likely to display aggressive behaviors

Study linking porn use to attitudes supporting violence against women.

Porn use linked to less satisfaction with real life partners.

and of course, the Report of the Surgeon General's Workshop on Pornography and Public Health
A panel of clinicians and researchers concluded that pornography does stimulate attitudes and behavior that lead to gravely negative consequences for individuals and for society, and that these outcomes impair the mental, emotional, and physical health of children and adults


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