How a fever benefits your health
(NaturalNews) Most of our society lives with the idea that health is a state of "feeling good" and "not being sick or diseased." We fear contact with bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. We use antibacterial soap, sprays, pills, potions and lotions. We are constantly "gearing up" for the next big flu pandemic, etc. In traditional cultures, fevers were always well respected and understood. Most people knew that the fever would build up and then break, much like a wave rolling into shore. Now, our society tries to suppress the fever immediately using antipyretics, or substances that lower temperature. These antipyretics include acetaminophen and ibuprofen. These quickly lower the temperature, but they also silence the body and hinder the development of the immune system. This allows the invading organisms to survive and contribute to the formation of chronic disease. Your immune system is a muscle: The immune system functions like a muscle in ...