Scientific Health Benefits of the “Panacea” Black Cumin Seed (Nigella sativa)
Introduction Nigella sativa , commonly known as Black Cumin, Black Seed, or Black Cumin Seed is native to South Asia ( R ). Black Cumin seed has been used in Middle Eastern folk medicine as a natural remedy for various diseases for over 2000 years ( R ). “Use Black seed regularly, since it is a cure for every disease except death” (Prophet Muhammad) ( R ) , and its many uses have earned Black Cumin the Arabic approbation “ The Blessed Seed “ ( R ). Raw seeds, seed oil, or seed extract have been used alone or in combination with other ingredients, as a traditional medicine in the treatment of various health conditions, such as eczema, cough, headache, diabetes, asthma, infection, and hypertension ( R ). Due to its miraculous power of healing, Black Cumin has got the place among the top-ranked evidence-based herbal medicines ( R ). Most of the therapeutic properties of Black Cumin seed are due to t...