Treatment of narcolepsy with codeine
Fry JM, Pressman MR, DiPhillipo MA, Forst-Paulus M. Abstract The effectiveness of codeine as a treatment for the excessive daytime sleepiness of narcolepsy was studied in two experimental trials. In an open trial of codeine in five narcoleptic subjects, dramatic clinical improvement was reported . However, all-night polysomnography and maintenance of wakefulness tests before and after codeine showed no significant differences . A double-blind placebo-codeine trial was conducted in which eight narcoleptic subjects received codeine for 1 week and placebo for 1 week in a random order. During the week they kept a diary, and on the sixth evening and for 10 h following awakening on the seventh day they were monitored by radiotelemetry in the sleep laboratory for electroencephalogram, electro-oculogram, and electromyogram. The results were analyzed for sleep stages as well as four levels of wakefulness. The results showed no significant differences in any of the objective sleep or wakefu...